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5 ways to take care of your skin this winter

26 November, 2018

winter skin

Winter is great for wrapping up in blankets, putting the fire on and indulging in a bit too much chocolate but unfortunately, it’s not the best time for your skin. When the temperature begins to drop the air becomes very dry which quickly dehydrates your skin day by day. It doesn’t take long before your skin become sore, irritable and cracked which is why it is important to keep your skin fresh and healthy this winter using the following tips!

Always Moisturise

It is essential for you to have a good moisturiser- usually oil based are more effective than water based in the colder months! You should be looking to moisturise your skin straight after you have had a bath or shower to help lock in the moisture for the rest of the day.

Stay Hydrated

During the winter we are all guilty of not drinking enough water, instead turning to all the amazing hot and festive drinks, but it is important to remember that your skin needs hydration inside and outside. If you are struggling to remember to hydrate, try having hot water and lemon instead!

Protect your skin

As it gets colder you may want to start wearing gloves and scarves to protect as much of your skin as possible from the elements. It is also a good idea to apply sunscreen or use a moisturiser that has a combined sunscreen - winter sun can be just as damaging as in the summer!


Exfoliating your skin is just as important in winter as it is in summer! If the dead skin cells build up too much any moisturiser you apply won’t be able to sink in enough to protect you. Finding a good exfoliator for both your face, lips and hands is key to ensuring your skin remains soft and smooth throughout the season.

Face Masks

If you are going to use face masks in the winter, you will want to ensure they are focused on hydration! If you wish you could even make your own face masks at home using natural ingredients such as honey, bananas, olive or almond oil, avocado or natural yoghurt. Mix your combos together to create your face mask of choice and leave it on for up to 30 minutes.



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